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袁枚《消夏八首(其七)避蚊》“Eight Poems on Escaping the Summer Heat (No. 7): Hiding from Mosquitos” by Yuan Mei (1716-1798)

Writer's picture: RachelleRachelle

白鳥成羣至, White birds [1] are coming in flocks

驚同刺客看。 Like assassins to [my] terrified eyes.

聞聲雙耳怯, Hearing [their] voices [my] two ears are scared;

披甲一身難。 Putting armour on [my] whole body is difficult.

羅帳長城築, With gauze curtains [I] build a Great Wall,

天衣沒縫鑽。 A heavenly coat without a crack [for them] to get through –

此翁惟墨水, [I], an old man consisting of nothing but ink,

不中汝曹餐。 Am not good as dinner for your ilk.

[1] Bainiao 白鳥 (white bird) is a metaphor for mosquitos.

Huang Xiang 黃香 (68-122), one of The Twenty-four Filial Exemplars, is waving a fan to cool down the bed for his parents... and probably also to expel mosquitos; album leaf by Qiu Ying 仇英 (1494-1552)

Image credit: National Palace Museum, Taipei


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