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Writer's pictureRachelle

How not to use pork fat



No added fat

Vulgar cooks in the kitchen are quick to render a pot of pork fat and pour a spoonful on top of each dish right before serving to make it fatty.[1] Even swallow nests, an ingredient of extremely light [flavour], are also spoiled this way. [2] Yet vulgar men, being ignorant, gobble them up and think [they] have taken in some hearty fat, so it appears [they] are reborn from hungry spectres.



[1] The practice is still quite popular nowadays. That spoonful of pork fat is considered a magical touch, even to a simple bowl of cooked rice.

[2] Yanwo 燕窝 (swallow nest) has been a sought-after ingredient in Chinese cuisine for hundreds of years, mainly used in soup.

Byproduct of a recent sausage-making session


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