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韓維《城西書事》(其二)“On [various] Matters in the West of the City” (No. 2) by Han Wei (1017-1098)

Writer's picture: RachelleRachelle

朱果繁霜後,      Vermilion fruits grow in profusion after the Frost, [1]

甘甜半自。      Their exquisite sweetness half drops to waste

忽驚林色曙,      Startling the dawn in the hues of the grove

零落見殘[2] Where sparsely are scattered a few stars.


*From Han Wei (1017-1098), Nanyang ji 南陽集, Wenyuange Siku Quanshu 文淵閣四庫全書 (Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 1987) edition, vol.1086, 13.4b:


[1] Although the poet does not specify the fruit he is talking about, the poem is traditionally considered a work on kaki persimmons. If we accept this premise, shuang 霜 is most likely to refer to the solar term shuangjiang 霜降 (Frost's Descent) which corresponds to the period between the end of October and early November. The maturation of kaki persimmons is often associated with this time of the year.

[2] Red characters rhyme.


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