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李穡《卽事》“On What Happened” by Yi Saek (1328-1396)

Writer: RachelleRachelle

夜深腰痛睡難安, Deep into the night, lower back pain disturbed [my] sleep.

瓦片熨來心稍寬。 A piece of hot tile brought some relief to [my] heart. [1]

月上東窓雞又叫, The moon climbs up to the east window; the cock crows again.

爽然如脫死生關。[2]  Wide awake, [I] feel like I’ve survived a death trial.


* From Yi Saek 李穡 (1328-1396), Mogeun sigo 牧隱詩藁, 13.5b:


[1] Yi Saek wrote at least seven poems about using hot tiles as heat therapy for lower back pain.

[2] Red characters rhyme.

Detail of "Zhiai tu" 炙艾圖 by Li Tang 李唐 (c. 1050-1130), showing another treatment that may be used for pack pain: moxibustion

Image credit: National Palace Museum, Taipei


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