“To the tune ‘Jinlüqu’ (Gold Thread Song)” by Liu Chenweng (1232-1297)
Guyan [1] showed me Houcun’s [2] work on this rhyme; [I] offered a response, using the same rhyme.
一笑披衣起, With a chuckle [I] throw on my garment and rise,
笑昨宵、 Chuckling at yesternight,
東風似夢, The east wind like a dream,
韓張盧李。 [With] Han, Zhang, Lu, and Li. [3]
白髮紅雲溪上叟, White hair; red clouds; an old man by a brook,
不記兒孫年齒。 Unable to recall how old his children are,
但囘首、 Just looking back to find
秦亡漢駛。 The Qin perishing, the Han passing away.[4]
苦苦漁郎留不住, Earnestness detains not the young fisherman,
約扁舟、 A word for the barque
後日重來此。 To come back another day.
吾已老, I for all my years
尚能竢。 Can still afford to wait.
少年未解留人意, A young lad understands not such efforts to detain him;
恍出山、 Oblivious [he] departs from the mountain,
紅塵吹斷, Red dust [5] blowing apart
落花流水。 Falling blossoms, flowing streams.
天上玉堂人間改, The jade hall up in heaven; the human realm transformed.[6]
漫欸乃聲千里。 Faraway a boatman’s melody travels a thousand miles.
更説似、 The talk of it recalls even
玄都君子。 The Xuandu gentleman.[7]
聞道釀桃堪為酒, Having heard that brewed peaches make fine liquor;[8]
待釀桃、 [I’m] set to brew
千石成千醉, A thousand pounds for a thousand times of inebriation.
春有盡, Spring has an end,
甕無底。[9] [My] jar no bottom.
* From Liu Chenweng, Xuxi ji 須溪集 (Wenyuange yingyin Siku quanshu 文淵閣景印四庫全書, vol. 1186, Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 1987), 10.26a-b: https://ctext.org/library.pl?if=gb&file=1160&page=52.
[1] Zhang Guyan 張古巖, who is little known except that he was the poet’s close friend.
[2] Houcun is the style name of the poet Liu Kezhuang 劉克莊 (1187-1269). The work to which this note alludes is “Hexinlang” 賀新郎 (an alternative title of the tune Jinlüqu), see his Houcun ji 後村集: https://ctext.org/library.pl?if=gb&file=1471&page=60.
[3] This line probably indicates that the poet spent the previous night with four guests bearing these surnames, with Zhang referring to Zhang Guyan.
[4] The Qin dynasty (221-206 BCE) and the Han dynasty (202 BCE - 9 CE, 25-220).
[5] Hongchen 紅塵 (red dust) is a common metaphor for the worldly realm that is full of passion and temptation.
[6] This line harks back to various tales about accidental visits to the world of immortality. After spending a seemingly short period of happy time in the “wonderland”, the visitor(s) would return to the human world to find that decades or even centuries have passed.
[7] This refers to Liu Yuxi 劉禹錫 (772-784) who wrote about his several visits to the Xuandu Temple in Chang’an (present-day Xi’an). At this point, it seems that the poet is identifying himself with Liu Yuxi as a victim of politics, but he also hints at the next subject (peach), for Liu Yuxi’s most famous quatrains about the Xuandu Temple both feature the peach trees there.
[8] Although the wording niangtao 釀桃 strongly suggests “brewing peaches”, it is possible that the intended meaning here is infusing liquor with peach blossoms, especially as an attempt to preserve spring (as indicated by the ending lines).
[9] Red characters rhyme.

Album leaf "Niangtao" 釀桃 by Chen Hongshou 陳洪綬 (1598-1652)
Image credit: National Palace Museum, Taipei

Detail of the album leaf above showing what seems to be peach blossoms in the jar

A bit of summer to be preserved in the garden
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