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朱熹《追和徐氏山居韻》“In Response to the Late Mr Xu's Verse on the Hillside Abode” by Zhu Xi 朱熹 (1130-1200)

Writer's picture: RachelleRachelle





A lone cloud drifts with ease beyond the hills,

Unbound by the king’s affairs that are almost endless.

[I] loose the saddle and recline, forgetting about returning,

[Among] emerald streams and slender bamboo that recall the hill to memory.

* From Chen Xingding 陳性定 (fl. 14th century), Xiandu zhi 仙都志, Zhengtong Daozang 正統道藏 (Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin: Wenwu chubanshe, Shanghai shudian, Tianjin guji chubanshe, 1988) edition, vol. 11, 89; for a quick reference, see here.

Solitary Peak Academy in the Xiandu district, Jinyun, Zhejiang, where Zhu Xi lectured in 1182.

The "solitary peak" that can be seen from the academy


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