朱熹《追和徐氏山居韻》“In Response to the Late Mr Xu's Verse on the Hillside Abode” by Zhu Xi 朱熹 (1130-1200)
王穉登《立冬》 “Beginning of Winter” by Wang Zhideng (1535-1612)
"Red Persimmon", album leaf with inscription by Shen Zhou 沈周 (1427-1509)
唐備《道傍木》“A Roadside Tree” by Tang Bei (fl. 9th century)
許有壬《蘆菔》“Radishes” by Xu Youren (1287-1364)
The wok mender (cont.)
劉逢源《補鍋匠》“Wok Mender” by Liu Fengyuan (fl. 17th century)
廖融《古檜》“Ancient Juniper” by Liao Rong (fl. 10th century)
王質《山轎 繖》“The Mountain Carriage and Umbrella” by Wang Zhi 王質 (1001-1045)
張昱《瓜田》“The Melon Field” by Zhang Yu (fl. 14th century)
孫一元《望海》“Gazing at the Sea” by Sun Yiyuan (1484-1520)
袁枚《消夏八首(其七)避蚊》“Eight Poems on Escaping the Summer Heat (No. 7): Hiding from Mosquitos” by Yuan Mei (1716-1798)
鄭東《題李唐牧牛圖》“On Li Tang’s Painting of Pasturing Cattle” by Zheng Dong (fl. 14th century)
蘇大 《山房睡起》“Waking up in a Hillside Chamber” by Su Da (fl. 14th century)
馬戴《過野叟居》“Passing by an Old Rustic’s Place” by Ma Dai (d. 869)
孫元衡《菠蘿》“The Pineapple” by Sun Yuanheng
李穡《卽事》“On What Happened” by Yi Saek (1328-1396)