Illustrations to the poem “Qi yue” 七月, attributed to Ma Hezhi 馬和之 (1130-1170) Pt. 1
Knickknack Peddlers by Li Song 李嵩 (fl. 1190-1230)
A painting of bamboo, chrysathemums and orchids by Zheng Xie 鄭燮 (Pt. 2)
A painting of bamboo, chrysathemums and orchids by Zheng Xie 鄭燮 (Pt. 1)
梅堯臣《食蠔》“Eating Oysters” by Mei Yaochen
Grapes by Xu Wei 徐渭
Sweet osmanthus by Jiang Tingxi 蔣廷錫
Hongliao 紅蓼 in Dong Gao's 董誥 album of summer flowers
Hehua 荷花 (lotus) in Dong Gao's 董誥 album of summer flowers
A new series, and Dong Gao 董誥 on yu’er mudan 魚兒牡丹 (fish-peony)
劉克莊《方甥餉酒酸甚》“Nephew Fang gifted some liquor that is very sour” by Liu Kezhuang
王守仁《七盤》“Seven Coils” by Wang Shouren
石應孫《水簾洞》“Water Curtain Cave” by Shi Yingsun
Feng Mu 馮牧 on the Zhijindong 織金洞 (Weaving-Gold Cave)
何明禮《重慶府》“Chongqing Prefecture” by He Mingli
江源《閒坐書懷》 “Expressing thoughts while sitting leisurely” by Jiang Yuan
On the Xiangqiao 香橋 geopark
范成大《桂海虞衡志·志山》序 Preface to the section "Accounts of the Mountains" by Fan Chengda
范成大《桂海虞衡志·序》"Preface to the Guihai yuheng zhi" by Fan Chengda
查慎行《養蜂歌》 “Beekeeping Song ” by Zha Shenxing