李白《送友人入蜀》 “Seeing off a Friend to Shu” by Li Bai
杜甫《催宗文樹雞柵》 “Urging Zongwen to Set up a Chicken Run” by Du Fu
元稹《夜雨》 “Night Rain” by Yuan Zhen
白居易《嗟髮落》 “Sighing for Falling Hair” by Bai Juyi
蘇軾《余來儋耳得吠狗…》“I came to Dan[zhou] and got a barking dog...” by Su Shi
余菊庵《中秋陰雨竟夕……》“On Mid-Autumn Day, it was cloudy and rainy the entire evening...” by Yu Ju'an
朱熹《觀書有感》“A Thought on Viewing Books” by Zhu Xi
陳沆《嘲廬山道士》“Mocking the Daoist from Mount Lu” by Chen Hang
左延年《秦女休行》“The Girl Xiu from the Qin [Family]” by Zuo Yannian
朱穆《與劉伯宗絕交詩》“Severing the Relationship with Liu Bozong” by Zhu Mu
蘇軾《端午帖子詞》“Festive Verse for the Double Fifth Day” by Su Shi
杨萬里《初二日苦熱》 “Suffering Heat on the Second Day” by Yang Wanli
柳宗元《種柳戲題》“Written in Jest on Planting Willows” by Liu Zongyuan
柳宗元《登柳州城樓寄漳汀封連四州》"Climbing the city wall tower of Liuzhou; ..." by Liu Zongyuan
柳宗元《柳州峒氓》“The Cave People of Liuzhou” by Liu Zongyuan
柳宗元《寄韋珩》“To Wei Heng” by Liu Zongyuan
柳宗元《嶺南江行》“Travelling Along the River in the South of the Ridges” by Liu Zongyuan
辛棄疾《醜奴兒》 To the tune “Ugly Slave” by Xin Qiji
雁兒落兼得勝令(尤侗《黑白衛》)[To the tunes] “Geese Falling” and “Victory Song” by You Tong
賀知章《回鄉偶書》“Written impromptu upon returning to my hometown” by He Zhizhang