Down duvets from the Tang dynasty
"Red Persimmon", album leaf with inscription by Shen Zhou 沈周 (1427-1509)
貢性之《題畫蒲萄松鼠》 “Inscription on a Painting of a Squirrel and Grapes” by Gong Xingzhi (fl. 14th century)
茅齋賞雨 Enjoying the Rain from a Thatched Studio
黃庚《竹杖》 “Bamboo Staff” by Huang Geng (fl. 13th century)
A note on antler-shedding
Bamboo in the Wind by Tang Yin 唐寅 (1470-1524)
"Fengyu guimu" 風雨歸牧, hanging scroll by Li Di 李迪 (fl. 12th century)
What it takes to be a model son
劉辰翁《金縷曲》 “To the tune ‘Jinlüqu’ ” by Liu Chenweng (1232-1297)
Shen Zhou 沈周 on Chinese leaf
A life sketch of pomegranates
梅堯臣《蛙》“Frogs” by Mei Yaochen (1002-1060)
Xitong 洗桐 (Rinsing the Wutong Tree)
Album leaf “Yu’er mudan” 魚兒牡丹 by Zou Yigui 鄒一桂; inscription by Qianlong Emperor 乾隆
Deer among pine trees
A spring scene
When tigers are swimming across the river...