A tale about the yingbei gou 鷹背狗 (eagle-back dog)
Album leaf “Juchang congxi” 踘場叢戲 (Group game on the kicking field) by Su Hanchen 蘇漢臣 (1094-1172)
史謹《月蝕》“Lunar Eclipse” by Shi Jin (fl. 14th century)
劉應時《登樓》“Ascending a Tower” by Liu Yingshi (fl. 12th century)
An anecdote from the 3rd century about the Northern and Southern Dippers
“Caotang shi zhi tu” 草堂十志圖 (Ten Records on the Thatched Hall) Pt. 1
“Yunlong shanque” 筠籠山雀 (The mountain tit in the bamboo cage)
“Jiusheng huan yu” 鳩聲喚雨 by Shen Zhou 沈周 (1427-1506)
張泰《採芝圖》“Picking Ganoderma” by Zhang Tai
Qianlong's poem on a "cat bowl"
“Mianquan” 眠犬 (Sleeping Dog) by Jin Tingbiao 金廷標 Pt. 4
“Mianquan” 眠犬 (Sleeping Dog) by Jin Tingbiao 金廷標 Pt. 3
“Mianquan” 眠犬 (Sleeping Dog) by Jin Tingbiao 金廷標 Pt. 2
“Mianquan” 眠犬 (Sleeping Dog) by Jin Tingbiao 金廷標 Pt.1
Iris by Shen Zhou 沈周 (1427-1509), with a poem inscribed by Qianlong Emperor 乾隆
“Ershisi fan huaxinfeng” 二十四番花信風 by Dong Gao 董誥 pt. 12
“Ershisi fan huaxinfeng” 二十四番花信風 by Dong Gao 董誥 pt. 11
“Ershisi fan huaxinfeng” 二十四番花信風 by Dong Gao 董誥 pt. 10
“Ershisi fan huaxinfeng” 二十四番花信風 by Dong Gao 董誥 pt. 9
“Ershisi fan huaxinfeng” 二十四番花信風 by Dong Gao 董誥 pt. 8