On the Xiangqiao 香橋 geopark
范成大《桂海虞衡志·志山》序 Preface to the section "Accounts of the Mountains" by Fan Chengda
范成大《桂海虞衡志·序》"Preface to the Guihai yuheng zhi" by Fan Chengda
查慎行《養蜂歌》 “Beekeeping Song ” by Zha Shenxing
曹勳《端午帖子(其九)》 “Festive Verse for the Double Fifth Day (No. 9)” by Cao Xun
彭蘊章《太平鼓》 “The Taiping Drum” by Peng Yunzhang
蘇舜欽《獨步遊滄浪亭》 “Strolling alone to the Canglang Pavilion” by Su Shunqin
吳偉業《子夜歌(其六)》 “Midnight Songs (No. 6)” by Wu Weiye
汪元量《湖州歌》(其七十三) “Huzhou songs” (No. 73) by Wang Yuanliang
李貞白《詠刺蝟》“On the hedgehog” by Li Zhenbai
楊叛兒 “Yang Pan’er”
華岳《香篆》 “Incense Seal” by Hua Yue
王灼《張元舉惠江南李王帳中香》 “Incense within the Bed Canopy of King Li of Jiangnan...” by Wang Zhuo
陸游《熏蟁效宛陵先生體》 “Smoking Mosquitoes, in Emulation of Mr Wanling’s style” by Lu You
蘇洵《香》“Incense” by Su Xun
元好問《從希顏覓篤耨香(其二)》 “Seeking Dunou Incense from Xiyan (No. 2)” by Yuan Haowen
張元幹《浣溪沙•薔薇水》 “To the Tune ‘Huanxisha’, on Rose Water” by Zhang Yuangan
A beauty from Mawangdui, and “Iron Ruyi-Sceptres” by Xie Ao 謝翱《鐵如意》