劉弼一《創業詩》 “On Founding [our Family] Enterprise” by Liu Biyi
劉廣傳《勉兒詩》“An Admonishment Poem for [my] Sons” by Liu Guangchuan
嚴嵩《尋愚溪謁柳子廟》 “Following the Foolish Brook to visit the Shrine of Master Liu” by Yan Song
李白《流夜郎聞酺不預》 “Exiled to Yelang, [I] heard about the banquet that [I] did not join” by Li Bai
陳培脈《南越王墓》 “Tomb of the King of Nanyue” by Chen Peimai
蘇軾《迴文菩薩蠻》 A palindrome to the tune “Pusaman” by Su Shi
陳坤與文昌雞 Chen Kun on Wenchang Chicken
韓愈《瀧吏(節選)》 “Rapids-Watcher” (excerpt) by Han Yu
吳綺《過南昌見滕王閣被焚》 “Seeing the burnt Pavilion of Prince Teng when passing by Nanchang” by Wu Qi
趙佶《宮詞(其九十)》 “Palace verse (no. 90)” by Zhao Ji
張廷壽《吊駱義烏墓》“Commemorating Luo Yiwu at his Tomb” by Zhang Tingshou
俞士彪《十二時·遂昌道中》 To the Tune “Twelve Double-hours” by Yu Shibiao
唐寅題畫詩 A poem Tang Yin inscribed on his painting
屈大均《佛手柑(其七)》“The Buddha-hand Citron (No. 7)” by Qu Dajun
顧逢《秋夜宿僧房》“Staying in a Monastery Room on an Autumnal Evening” by Gu Feng
愛新覺羅·弘曆《耕耤日有作》 “Written on the Day of Ploughing the Sacred Fields” by Aisin Gioro Hongli
李鍇《雲岡寺》 “The Yungang Temple” by Li Kai
劉遵憲《登懸空寺》 “Climbing up to the Hanging Temple” by Liu Zunxian
周恭先《和吳蘭柴過常山作》 “In response to Wu Lanchai when [he] passed by Changshan” by Zhou Gongxian