釋懷深《擬寒山詩(其一百三十二)》 “In Imitation of Hanshan’s Poems (No. 132)” by Buddhist Huaishen (1077-1132)
A joke for the planting season
劉秉忠《桃花曲》 [To the Tune] “Song of Peach Blossoms” by Liu Bingzhong (1216-1274)
茅齋賞雨 Enjoying the Rain from a Thatched Studio
黃庚《竹杖》 “Bamboo Staff” by Huang Geng (fl. 13th century)
An Anecdote about Zhu Yuanzhang's 朱元璋 (1328-1398) Magic Power
洪亮吉《臘八日破曉過錫山作》“At daybreak of the eighth day of the twelfth month, written when passing by Mount Xi” by Hong Liangji (1746-1809)
On the Importance of Good Handwriting
王中立《感事》(其三)“Musing on Things (No. 3)” by Wang Zhongli (fl. 13th-14th century)
On the Jiujiu xiaohan tu 九九消寒圖 (nine-by-nine winter-repelling design)
朱彝尊《清平樂·題水墨南瓜》“To the Tune ‘Joy of Pure Peace’, inscribed on a painting of pumpkins” by Zhu Yizun [1629-1709]
韓維《城西書事》(其二)“On [various] Matters in the West of the City” (No. 2) by Han Wei (1017-1098)
A note on antler-shedding
樊增祥《爽翁惠咖啡余誤為鼻煙》“Old Shuang gave me some coffee as a gift; I mistook it for snuff”
An Omen on a Moonlit Night
Bamboo in the Wind by Tang Yin 唐寅 (1470-1524)