晁補之《次韻鄧正字慎思秋日同文館(其八)》"After the rhyme of Deng Zheng on an autumn day ..." by Chao Buzhi
孔平仲《狂犬》“Crazy Dog” by Kong Pingzhong (fl. 11th century)
“Caotang shi zhi tu” 草堂十志圖 (Ten Records on the Thatched Hall) Pt. 1
“Yunlong shanque” 筠籠山雀 (The mountain tit in the bamboo cage)
“Jiusheng huan yu” 鳩聲喚雨 by Shen Zhou 沈周 (1427-1506)
Zheng Xie 鄭燮 on bird keeping
郭子章《六月柿》“The persimmon of the sixth month” by Guo Zizhang
呂從慶《永豐橋閒坐》“Sitting idly on the Yongfeng Bridge” by Lü Congqing
趙翼《偶書所見(其一)》“Casual notes on my observations (No. 1)” by Zhao Yi
When a centipede meets a slug
Tao Gu 陶穀 (903-970) on the art of tea
Another odorous anecdote from the Qing dynasty
葉茵《酷暑》 “Scorching heat” by Ye Yin (fl. 12th century)
張泰《採芝圖》“Picking Ganoderma” by Zhang Tai
“Wuri Zhong Kui” 午日鍾馗 (Zhong Kui on [Double] Fifth Day) by Hua Yan華嵒 (1682-1756)
An odorous anecdote from the Qing dynasty
Qianlong's poem on a "cat bowl"
“Mianquan” 眠犬 (Sleeping Dog) by Jin Tingbiao 金廷標 Pt. 4
“Mianquan” 眠犬 (Sleeping Dog) by Jin Tingbiao 金廷標 Pt. 3
“Mianquan” 眠犬 (Sleeping Dog) by Jin Tingbiao 金廷標 Pt. 2